Our Pastor
Hallelujah for a Pastor, that'll stand up and preach;
And with the guidance of the Lord, the church he will lead.
Thank God for his courage, his back-bone, his heart;
The fact that he is willing, to do more than just his part.
I'm thankful for his prayers, his love, his concern;
I'm grateful for his preaching, his teaching and all that I have learned.
What a shepherd our Pastor is, as he tends to the flock;
Fighting off the devil, with the precious Word of God.
So, we're grateful for our Pastor, and this place that's fell his lot;
We're thankful for his calling, as a true man of God.
Lord, help us to back our Pastor, as he boldly takes a stand;
Always praying for him, as we're holding up his hands.
Written by - John Carl Lancaster III
September 28th 2017
To my Pastor, Dr. Shane Ezell